Truth Be Told Blog with Lucinda Bassett

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Truth Be Told With Lucinda Bassett- THE ANXIETY EXCUSE

As awful as your anxiety may be, it probably gives you a great excuse not to do things that you know in your heart you would like to do. This is a very difficult realization, but a necessary one. It took me a while to realize that, although it was uncomfortable, I was using my anxiety disorder as a familiar and easy way out. Ask yourself if, perhaps on a subconscious level, your anxiety is keeping you from doing something that feels too challenging to deal with.

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Posted by Lucinda Bassett in Anxiety, Coach, Depression, Grief, Health, Illness, Loneliness, Loss, Lucinda Bassett, Mental Illness, Negative Thinking, Positive Thinking, PTSD, Relationships, Sadness, Sexual Abuse, Starting Over, Truth Be Told.

Truth Be Told With Lucinda Bassett- ONE STEP FORWARD, TWO STEPS BACK

Life is too precious to waste it with worry. Anything worth having takes a considerable amount of effort. One of he most important skills that will support that effort is resilience. Being able to bounce back when things don’ t go your way. Being able to get up and try again when you fall down. It is important to understand that:

Recovery from anything is usually one step forward, two steps back.

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Posted by Lucinda Bassett in Anxiety, Coach, Depression, Grief, Health, Illness, Loneliness, Loss, Lucinda Bassett, Mental Illness, Negative Thinking, Positive Thinking, PTSD, Relationships, Sadness, Sexual Abuse, Starting Over, Truth Be Told.

Truth Be Told With Lucinda Bassett- WHAT IS COMPASSIONATE SELF-TALK?


Compassionate self-talk is any kind of message or dialogue with yourself or someone else that makes you feel good, strong, happy, confident, relaxed, capable, loving, energetic, peaceful, or motivated. The technique can give you energy when you think you have none, a natural high, and the strength to achieve great things. Positive self-talk can make you feel like running that mile, taking that trip, writing that report, or speaking in front of several hundred people when only ten minutes before you were certain you absolutely couldn’t pull it off.

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Posted by Lucinda Bassett in Anxiety, Coach, Depression, Grief, Health, Illness, Loneliness, Loss, Lucinda Bassett, Mental Illness, Negative Thinking, Positive Thinking, PTSD, Relationships, Sadness, Sexual Abuse, Starting Over, Truth Be Told.

Truth Be Told With Lucinda Bassett- RE-ACTIVE VS. PRO-ACTIVE

In my work, I’ve noticed that people tend to be re-active in life rather than pro-active as a result of their own Core Story predetermining their responses. In other words, you spontaneously (often impulsively) react to life in your usual, predetermined ways. For example, if you typically react with anger, you will get angry. It is the same with worry, anxiety, and blame. You just don’t think it through, you don’t have a plan, and you end up frustrated, angry, anxious, depressed, out of control, and victimized.

The difference is easy to discern. When you are re-active, you are being negative and impulsive and you get the same negative results you’ve always gotten.

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Posted by Lucinda Bassett in Anxiety, Coach, Depression, Grief, Health, Illness, Loneliness, Loss, Lucinda Bassett, Mental Illness, Negative Thinking, Positive Thinking, PTSD, Relationships, Sadness, Sexual Abuse, Starting Over, Truth Be Told.

Truth Be Told With Lucinda Bassett- Power Thinking

Thinking negatively affects your attitude about your future and the kind of people you attract. It also affects the opportunities you can draw into your life, so changing the way you think may be the most powerful skill you can acquire and teach to your children. If you teach your children how to be positive, optimistic, hopeful, and how to think from a place of empowerment, it can change the whole family dynamic as well as your children’s future.

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Posted by Lucinda Bassett in Anxiety, Coach, Depression, Grief, Health, Illness, Loneliness, Loss, Lucinda Bassett, Mental Illness, Negative Thinking, Positive Thinking, PTSD, Relationships, Sadness, Sexual Abuse, Starting Over, Truth Be Told.