Truth Be Told Blog with Lucinda Bassett

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Truth Be Told With Lucinda Bassett – Worriers

Here’s the good news. Great worriers make fabulous goal-setters and achievers. After all, worriers like you are focused, determined, and set on particular outcome. You have a powerful imagination, you think in minute detail, and you are extremely creative and a futuristic thinker.  This is the same set of skills it takes to succeed. So if you’re a world-class worrier, you can also be a world-class achiever. All you need to do is change the focus of your attention from worrying to achieving great things.

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Posted by Lucinda Bassett in Anxiety, Coach, Depression, Grief, Health, Illness, Loneliness, Loss, Lucinda Bassett, Mental Illness, Negative Thinking, Positive Thinking, PTSD, Relationships, Sadness, Sexual Abuse, Starting Over, Truth Be Told.

Truth Be Told With Lucinda Bassett – Foods and Depression

            There has been significant research done on food, nutrients, and depression. The overwhelming tendency to call “fat” a culprit is not accurate in every case because our deep limbic system needs a certain amount of fat in order to operate properly. It is the kind of fat that makes the difference, like that in omega – 3 fatty acids, which are prevalent in fish.

            Proteins, essential for the deep limbic system, are the building blocks of brain neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine, all implicated in depression and mood disorders.

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Posted by Lucinda Bassett in Anxiety, Coach, Depression, Grief, Health, Illness, Loneliness, Loss, Lucinda Bassett, Mental Illness, Negative Thinking, Positive Thinking, PTSD, Relationships, Sadness, Sexual Abuse, Starting Over, Truth Be Told.

Truth Be Told With Lucinda Bassett – More on Depression

In his best-selling book Change You Brain, Change Your Life, Dr. Amen suggests that the deep limbic system is the bonding and mood controlling center, located at the center of the brain. The various functions of this system are

  • setting the emotional tone of the mind
  • filtering external events 
  • tagging events as internally important
  • modulating motivation
  • controlling appetite and sleep cycles
  • promoting bonding
  • directly processing the sense of smell
  • modulating libido
This brain system gives you the capacity to solve problems, plan, organize, and think rationally. It sets your emotional tone, so when the deep limbic system is less active, you feel positive and hopeful.

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Posted by Lucinda Bassett in Anxiety, Coach, Depression, Grief, Health, Illness, Loneliness, Loss, Lucinda Bassett, Mental Illness, Negative Thinking, Positive Thinking, PTSD, Relationships, Sadness, Sexual Abuse, Starting Over, Truth Be Told.

Severe Depression

SEVERE DEPRESSION: You feel down and emotionally drained most of the time. You feel sad, worried, and tired. You don’t have much energy; the effort it takes to do things, such as socialize or make love to your partner, doesn’t seem worth the pleasure. You feel as if a dark cloud is hanging over your life. Nothing is working and you aren’t sure why not. You cry often and easily. You find it hard to eat or you overeat. You have a difficult time sleeping or you sleep all the time as a temporary escape. You feel like a drain on others, like you bring them down.

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Posted by Lucinda Bassett in Anxiety, Coach, Depression, Grief, Health, Illness, Loneliness, Loss, Lucinda Bassett, Mental Illness, Negative Thinking, Positive Thinking, PTSD, Relationships, Sadness, Sexual Abuse, Starting Over, Truth Be Told.

Moderate Depression

Moderate Depression: You feel sad and melancholy at times and you can’t pinpoint a reason. You have low energy and it may take all your effort to get excited about anything. The simplest things, such as getting ready to go out or sexual activity, are too much effort. You cry easily, you are emotionally sensitive, and you feel the pain of the world. You have a hard time sleeping, either falling asleep or staying asleep, or you’re sleeping too much. You may not be eating or you may be overeating. You get irritable and impatient. You feel bad about yourself and your life at times, and you feel that there aren’t any answers.

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Posted by Lucinda Bassett in Anxiety, Coach, Depression, Grief, Health, Illness, Loneliness, Loss, Lucinda Bassett, Mental Illness, Negative Thinking, Positive Thinking, PTSD, Relationships, Sadness, Sexual Abuse, Starting Over, Truth Be Told.