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Pay close attention to your life; your surroundings, the people you interact with, and your day-to-day activities. Everything that surrounds you makes you, well, you. Think of all the possible forces of the universe that brought you to this very moment: you are reading this blog post because you understand that you can do better, that things will get better, and that today is the day.
Whether we are suffering from severe anxiety, or a less intense but underlying sense of discomfort and stress, we all have something in common. We want to feel better. We want to stop the vicious cycle of anxiety, fear, and worry.
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Posted by Lucinda Bassett in Anxiety, Coach, Health, Lucinda Bassett, Positive Thinking, Starting Over, Uncategorized.

“We need to forget what we think we are so that we can really become what we are”
-Paulo Coelho
Here is the good news: Greatness is our birthright, and YOU are special in every way imaginable. Even better news? If you are someone who experiences more than the average amount of anxiety, you are full of potential for greatness. You may be wondering why, well, here are just a few reasons:
- You probably have above average intelligence
- You are highly creative
- You have a fabulous imagination
- You are detailed oriented and analytical
Though these are all amazing attributes that can make you extremely successful, people with anxiety can and will use these to scare themselves.
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Posted by Lucinda Bassett in Anxiety, Coach, Lucinda Bassett, Positive Thinking.
Hello Everyone!
Hope your year is getting off to a great start.
I am excited to share a concept with you that I am using myself, along with setting Clear Intentions. It is called coming from a place of doing things in a “deliberate” state. In other words, everything you do, you do in steps, calmly, and with thought.
- Calm down
- Think before you take action
- Make a list, either on paper or in your mind
- Do things in order, one at a time
- Do things for a reason not randomly
- Stay focused so you don’t become scattered
- Be and stay organized
- Be deliberate in your actions
- Have clear intentions
- Be patient
For example, before you go out for the day, think about what do you need, take your time, get organized, put things in your bag, put things you don’t need away, i.e.
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Posted by Lucinda Bassett in Anxiety, Lucinda Bassett, Positive Thinking, Stress.
Hello Everyone,
I recently had someone approach me about his issues with anxiety and depression related to “the holidays”. What came out in the conversation was, for lack of more appropriate words…his “coming out” as a gay young man. This “secret” was causing him a great deal of stress and he wanted to attempt to tell his family while he was home for the holidays.
After talking with him extensively a few times and realizing he was passionate about telling his family, I made the following suggestions:
- Start by telling them how much you love them and how much what they think of you matters to you, and how proud you are to have your family.
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Posted by Lucinda Bassett in Anxiety, Depression, Holidays.
And of course you are…these are anxious times we are living in. It is difficult to know when to stop worrying. The world has gotten much smaller as a result of all the social media and access to information on a daily, if not hourly basis. These are real, big, scary issues we are facing as a world. The Ebola virus is absolutely fear inducing to all of us, the ISIS crisis, which is beyond horrific and completely beyond comprehension. The instability in the Middle East, the financial vulnerability of Europe, and then there is the volatility of the stock market.
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Posted by Lucinda Bassett in Anxiety.