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Because it’s the holidays! So much to think about, so much to feel, so much to do, so much to question ourselves about!

Well I for one, am going to do it differently this year. Maybe it’s my age or the time in my life, but I am going to do things way more low key and lower all my expectations of everything and everyone. I want to enjoy the holidays and my life moments, everyday. After all, I am so lucky to just be here to enjoy it.
Sounds selfish? Not really. Sounds sane.
At this age, the last thing I want to do is be someone’s mother who needs to be entertained, or frankly be entertaining.
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Posted by Lucinda Bassett in Holidays.
Hello Everyone,
I recently had someone approach me about his issues with anxiety and depression related to “the holidays”. What came out in the conversation was, for lack of more appropriate words…his “coming out” as a gay young man. This “secret” was causing him a great deal of stress and he wanted to attempt to tell his family while he was home for the holidays.
After talking with him extensively a few times and realizing he was passionate about telling his family, I made the following suggestions:
- Start by telling them how much you love them and how much what they think of you matters to you, and how proud you are to have your family.
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Posted by Lucinda Bassett in Anxiety, Depression, Holidays.
Well, it’s that time of the year again… the holidays. What a fabulous time to celebrate life, love, and loved ones. It is often a magical time, full of great energy. Of course there are those of us who are alone, not in a relationship, or don’t have much in the way of family members or even friends, and we may struggle with our own feelings of being ‘alone’. I know that one. This will be the first year my daughter and her husband won’t be around for either Thanksgiving or Christmas, and it changes the whole experience. This will be the first year I will not be decorating my entire house, a big tradition for me.
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Posted by Lucinda Bassett in Loneliness.
And of course you are…these are anxious times we are living in. It is difficult to know when to stop worrying. The world has gotten much smaller as a result of all the social media and access to information on a daily, if not hourly basis. These are real, big, scary issues we are facing as a world. The Ebola virus is absolutely fear inducing to all of us, the ISIS crisis, which is beyond horrific and completely beyond comprehension. The instability in the Middle East, the financial vulnerability of Europe, and then there is the volatility of the stock market.
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Posted by Lucinda Bassett in Anxiety.
As a result of all the recent requests for personal coaching with me, I had a fabulous idea that would allow me to talk to people for FREE for ten minutes AND give people a clear understanding of what coaching one-on-one with me is all about, how it works, and if it is right for them.
People are LOVING it, and so am I! I really enjoy connecting with folks and hearing from so many of you who have read my books and purchased one of my programs…so what are you waiting for?
Call Darla, my assistant right now at 1-855-520-HEAL (4325) to set up your free call with me and let’s chat!
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Posted by Lucinda Bassett in Anxiety, Coach, Depression, Grief, Lucinda Bassett.